Moldovan New Prime Minister will Make his First Visit to Russia

Home / News / Moldovan New Prime Minister will Make his First Visit to Russia
The Two Countries Have Many Questions to Discuss, Ion Chicu Said. The new Prime Minister of Moldova Ion Chicu appointed to this post after the resignation of Maia Sandu government, will make his first foreign visit to Moscow. A working trip will take place this week. According to the head of the government, Russia and Moldova have many issues to discuss, which should be solved soon since relations with Moscow are very important for Chisinau. “This week I will make a visit to Moscow, which was agreed between the Moldovan and Russian authorities long time ago but did not take place for the reasons unknown to me,” Chicu said. The politician will discuss with his Russian colleagues the expansion of the list of companies to import products into Russia, the extension of the duty-free regime and the problem of exporting goods through Ukraine. The issue of gas supplying to Moldova will also be touched upon. To this end, the Prime Minister plans to meet with Gazprom leadership.