Dodon Talked with Heads of Several Countries in Jerusalem

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Today, in Jerusalem, Igor Dodon held informal talks with the heads of several states before the start of official events as part of the World Holocaust Remembrance Forum. Among them are French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian leader Sergio Mattarella, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Romanian President Klaus Johannis, reports. Igor Dodon had also conversation with representatives of Austria, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Iceland, Serbia, Finland, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Sweden, with the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress and the official representative of the Vatican. The president posted a photo on his page in social media. Recall, the head of state is on a working visit to the State of Israel at the invitation of President Reuven Rivlin to participate in the World Holocaust Remembrance Forum. This large-scale event is timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Auschwitz death camp liberation by the Red Army. The Forum is attended by over 50 foreign delegations at the level of heads of state, government, parliaments, etc.