The Ministry of Occupied Territories Will Begin Acting in Ukraine

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The Cabinet of Ministers is also studying the possibility of strengthening the direction of sports and the agricultural sector. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Honcharuk said that in accordance with the head of state assignment a decision was made to create the Ministry for Occupied Territories. He stated this at a meeting in the Office of President Volodymyr Zelensky on February 4. "This (the creation of the ministry) will give us the opportunity to work more effectively on issues to reintegrate the Donbass and work with people who have remained in the occupied territories or have moved to the controlled territory and are temporarily displaced," the prime minister said. Honcharuk pointed out that an analysis of the government work over the past five months has been carried out and personnel decisions have been made. In particular, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Denis Shmygal as Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Development of communities and territories. He is to work with the regions. Continues the study of possibilities to strengthen the direction of sports in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, in particular, by creating an appropriate agency. In addition, consultations are continuing in the Cabinet on strengthening the agricultural block.