Chicu’s Cabinet Ministers See no Reason to Resign

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Chicu government ministers say they fear no resignations. They are confident that they are doing their job professionally. In this regard, cabinet members do not believe that prime minister warned namely them when making it clear that after 100 days of government activity some of his colleagues may lose their seats, reports. Recall that at the beginning of the week, Prime Minister Ion Chicu said that changes in the cabinet are possible. Since he did not name potential names, reporters tried to find out from the ministers what they think about the risk of being dismissed. “I do not comment on what the Prime Minister said. I am doing my job well and now I see no reason for my dismissal,” Interior Minister Pavel Voicu said. “The actions I have planned are going well. In the huge sector I am responsible for there are results but there also are problems. I don’t think that anyone currently deserves resignation,” Minister of Agriculture Ion Perju said. “It is important that everyone does his work in strict accordance with the law,” Minister of Justice Fadei Nagacevschi said refusing to answer the question whether there are reasons for any of the ministers dismissing. Earlier, Zinaida Greceanîi announced that by the end of February the Chicu government would come to the plenary session of the parliament with a report on activities for the first 100 days.