All Pensions Indexation and Mandatory Material Assistance Payment. Dodon on New Government Initiatives

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On October 1, Moldova will perform pensions indexation for all pensioners, regardless their income. Previously, indexation provisions were made for pensions if no higher than the minimum wage which is 1726 lei. In addition, the criteria for receiving social assistance will change. This was announced on February 10, by President Igor Dodon after the weekly joint meeting with the Prime Minister and Speaker. “We decided the government will propose an initiative according to which on October 1, pensions of all pensioners will be indexed, regardless of how much they receive,” Dodon said. In addition, as Dodon said, the government and line ministries will review the criteria for receiving social assistance. Now, those citizens who have a parabolic antenna, microwave and other equipment will be able to receive social assistance as well. The government will also develop a mechanism to attract able-bodied citizens who live on social assistance. In addition, Dodon said that the government will necessarily pay material assistance to citizens on holidays. “Amendments for October 1, on pensions indexation for all pensioners and the mandatory payment of material assistance for the holidays will be made this week,” Dodon said.