Cebotari: We Expect the Number of MPs to Leave the PDM Faction to Increase

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Deputy Vladimir Cebotari, who, along with five other colleagues from the Democratic Party, announced that he is leaving the formation, claims that he expects the number of deputies to leave the PDM will increase. According to him, this will happen “if there is not too much pressure inside the party,” reports. “We quit the party because we have more ideas. What happened in recent days was one of the impulses that determined this decision, rather complicated. It is not easy to leave a team in which you have invested a lot, and people whom you trusted, and who trust you, and with whom you want to work further. There are simply certain things that make you take such a step,” the deputy said on TVR Moldova. The deputy drew attention to the fact that he and his colleagues left the party when it was again “almost in power” and noted that he hadn’t done this when the PDM was in a difficult situation. “We were with PDM in the most difficult times, at least in recent years. And we faced heavy public criticism together, we fought together to regain people's trust, and we succeeded because the results of the local elections are good. We hadn’t left the party at that time, we decided to leave the party when it is almost in power again,” Vladimir Cebotari continued. The DTPP deputy Igor Munteanu says that the “war" of the Democratic Party has just begun. According to him, the split will continue at the level of territorial organizations. “Who associates with whom, to what extent formal or informal leaders will be able to attract those who voted in the local elections, and someone will definitely win out of this “muddy water”, and this will be the Socialist Party, which is currently using the practice and tools used by the PDM in relation to the Party of Communists. This is the revenge of history,” Igor Munteanu said. Socialist MP Grigore Novac claims that the PSRM is both not happy about the split within the PDM, and is not upset. According to him, this is an internal issue of the party, and others should not involve in the process. The deputy also noted that in the legislative body, in principle, bills are adopted by all deputies, and six deputies’ withdrawal from PDM will not significantly affect the support of the government. Six deputies of the Democratic Party announced on Wednesday, February 19 that they were leaving the political formation, as well as the democratic parliamentary faction. They are Andrian Candu, Sergiu Sîrbu, Vladimir Cebotari, Eleanora Graur, Corneliu Padnevici, and Grigore Repesciuc.