Six Democrats Announced Their Resignation from PDM

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A group of six deputies of the Democratic Party announced their resignation from the parliamentary faction, as well as their drop from the party. Among them are Andrian Candu, Sergiu Sîrbu, Corneliu Padnevici, Eleanora Graur, Grigore Repesciuc and Vladimir Cebotari. Deputies condemn the Democratic Party’s leadership. As Andrian Candu noted at today's briefing, the Democratic Party has lost effectiveness and is disappointing its electorate. According to Candu, the deputies will form a new parliamentary group. He also did not rule out the possibility for a new party to be formed. As the former parliamentary speaker noted, the deputies intend to support a vote of no confidence in the Minister of Foreign Affairs filed by the DTPP deputies, and they are also preparing to submit a joint declaration to the parliament. “We still have one day to think about the name of our group and the clear direction of the political spectrum,” Andrian Candu said.