The Democratic Parliamentary Faction Party Will Not Support the Vote of No Confidence against the Head of MFAEI

Home / News / The Democratic Parliamentary Faction Party Will Not Support the Vote of No Confidence against the Head of MFAEI
The parliamentary faction of the Democratic Party will not support the vote of no confidence in the MFAEI head Aureliu Ciocoi, initiated by the PDDM and PDS after minister’s scandalous remarks. Ciocoi said that the armed conflict on the Dniester of 1992 allegedly provoked the Popular Front, and Russia stopped the bloodshed, reports The PDM’s position was announced by the chairman of the faction, Dumitru Diacov after the meeting where Ciocoi was also invited: “The minister explained to us the context this unfortunate statement was made. Hasty phrases sometimes slip out. This happens in life.” The Head of the MFAEI says that his words were misinterpreted: "My statements at the press conference were misinterpreted. My mistake is that I did not finish my point, did not specify that I had in mind the Ceasefire Agreement."