Slusari Demands Cancelling 2 Times a Year Voting the Pensions Indexation Law

Home / News / Slusari Demands Cancelling 2 Times a Year Voting the Pensions Indexation Law
Vice-Chairman of the Parliament Alexandru Slusari demands to cancel the voting on the project, according to which pensions will be indexed twice a year for everyone, but with a lower coefficient. According to the deputy, the vote took place with serious violations of the Rules of Parliament, reports “The deadline of ten days for amendments between the first and second reading was not respected. Liviu Vovca's amendment, which envisages an increase in budget expenditures, was not sent to the government. In addition, the Commission for Social Protection, contrary to the provisions of the regulation, adopted the project with lower indexation of pensions for the second reading immediately after voting on the document in the first reading,” the deputy wrote on Facebook. According to him, there was no compliance with the norm stipulating that amendments rejected by the commission must be put to a vote in plenary meeting. The deputy Liviu Vovca’s amendment was not put to the vote. “Thus, the DA Platform faction demands the abolition of the Friday vote and the observance of the legal procedures by Ms. Greceanii (Zinaida Greceanii, Speaker of the Parliament). Parliament is not Dodon (President Igor Dodon)’s manor and never will,” Alexandru Slusari wrote.