Dodon: A New Coalition Arises in Parliament to Defend Those Who’ve Stolen the Billion

Home / News / Dodon: A New Coalition Arises in Parliament to Defend Those Who’ve Stolen the Billion
President Igor Dodon believes that the parliament is " forming a new coalition behind the back – to protect the interests of those who stole the billion from banks." Dodon commented on social media the voting in the legislature on his initiative to "reduce the tax burden under the bill." The President welcomed the “responsible choice” of PSRM and PDM deputies who supported the project. And condemned the actions of the right opposition who did not support the project, reports "I regret to note that the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) and Platform DA have teamed up with the deputies of Shor and Candu (Pr Moldova group -" I. ") and voted against taking the burden of billion from the of citizens’ shoulders. This fact demonstrates that the coalition covertly appears in parliament trying to protect those who stole the billion," Dodon said. He also spoke out "regarding the speculations of some deputies who tried to justify the vote against exempting citizens from tax burden." "The money was stolen through banks. In these circumstances, today's initiative involves returning the stolen money not from the pockets of citizens, but from the banking system, more precisely, from the NBM's profit. Those who committed theft, not citizens, must pay!" the president wrote. He believes that this initiative is only "the first step, other solutions will be found so that citizens do not pay the damage caused by bank fraud." “At the same time, actions will be taken in the most decisive manner against those who are responsible for theft, which threatened the country's security,” he assured.