The Moldovan Parliament voted to amend the law "On the state of emergency." Thus, 74 deputies voted in favor of amendments in the second reading.
The head of parliament’s e legal commission Vasile Bolea presented the report of the commission on the draft Cabinet to introduce the state of emergency in Moldova.
Bolea said that the amendments that the deputies proposed retain the right of parliament to adopt and amend organic laws but limit the ability to hold elections and referendums in the state of emergency.
It should be noted that the government proposed to exclude from the law the provision prohibiting "the adoption, amendment or repeal of organic laws and election legislation, as well as holding local and central elections or local and republican referendums."
“Where is the red line after which we will stop the dictatorship?” Arina Spataru, the deputy of the “Dignity and Truth” (DA) faction, asked Bolea.
Bolea, in response, invited her to ask questions on commission's report.
* We apologize to the readers. The original version of this news said that parliament had already voted to introduce an emergency in Moldova. In fact, parliament is currently discussing the introduction of an emergency.