To Save Eeconomy Ukraine Will Weaken Quarantine

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The Ukrainian government is considering the possibility to weaken quarantine measures to save the economy. This announced Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal on ICTV, video recording is available on YouTube. According to him, Ukrainians can’t just “stay at home for three months” while without a financial pillow for most of them. Smyhal noted that citizens must earn money to run the economy. “Ukraine is not one of rich countries that can afford not working for six months and TV watching on the couch,” the Prime Minister said, adding that the decision to weaken quarantine will depend on the dynamics of coronavirus spread in the country. По последним данным, на Украине заразились коронавирусом 548 человек, 13 скончались. Общее число инфицированных коронавирусом SARS-CoV-2 в мире превысило 785 тысячи человек; почти 38 тысяч умерли, более 165 тысяч излечились. Earlier, Smyhal stated that Ukraine’s GDP will fall by 4.8 percent by the end of 2020 against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. Without the international financial organizations’ support Ukraine is to face a “financial abyss” caused by the need to pay off external and internal debts, the prime minister added. The emergency regime and quarantine was declared throughout Ukraine till April 24, thus,  for non-complying with the rules criminal and administrative liability is provided. All entertainment facilities, schools, universities and non-grocery stores are closed, citizens are asked not to leave home. Public transport is restricted in large cities. Authorities have announced tightening measures to reduce the risks associated with the infectious disease spread. According to the latest data, 548 people became infected with coronavirus in Ukraine, 13 died. The total number of coronavirus infected SARS-CoV-2 in the world exceeded 785 thousand people; almost 38 thousand died, more than 165 thousand were cured.