Government Will Submit to Putin New Proposals on Additional Measures to Support Economy

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The government this week will provide the president with additional measures to support the economy, which will also take into account the proposals of business associations, said Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in a meeting with vice prime ministers. The broadcast was conducted by the TV channel "Russia 24". “Under president’s instructions, we are working on additional measures that will be aimed at supporting citizens and business. When developing them, we also take into account business associations proposals sent to the government. I want to thank for such a work. This week the government will present appropriate additional measures to the president,” he said. Earlier, Russian business associations sent Mishustin a letter asking to expand measures aimed at supporting economy against the background of coronavirus. In particular, it was proposed to recognize as affected not a specific list but all sectors of the economy and provide companies that faced the forced activity suspension until April 30 with subsidies for paying 2/3 of the average monthly salary for the entire quarantine period.