Maia Sandu: The Court Acknowledged that Government Challenged the Constitution

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Today’s decision of the Constitutional Court to declare unconstitutional the law for which the government has taken responsibility, confirms that the government and the parliamentary majority of the PDM-PSRM challenge the Constitution, Maia Sandu stated. “Several socio-economic measures included in this law have already been taken by the Commission for Emergency Situations, which shows that the so-called government assumption was just a cheap political game designed to denigrate the opposition and undermine confidence in institutions and democratic procedures,” PAS leader Maia Sandu said, reported. “The state of emergency stipulates not only the exercise of exclusive powers but also the government responsibility strengthening to combat the consequences of the epidemic. Every deviation from democratic norms and violation of fundamental freedoms in the future will be taxed by the opposition and society. PAS reiterates its readiness to support any measures undertaken by the government that really help the population and economic agents during the pandemic crisis,” Maia Sandu wrote on Facebook.