Some Restrictions Can Be Removed in Moldova at the End of April. Dodon Specified under What Conditions

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In Moldova, at the end of April, some restrictions that the authorities introduced in connection with the coronavirus spread can be lifted if the current growth rate of infected people remains at 9.4%. This was announced on April 13 by President Igor Dodon after a weekly joint meeting with the Prime Minister and Speaker.   Dodon said that at the end of March, the World Health Organization presented three coronavirus scenarios for the country - the growth of infections within eight days by 27%, 17% and 11%. The last scenario is optimistic. “Over the past eight days, we have registered an average growth of infected people by 9.4%. That is, we have fewer infected than in the optimistic scenario,” Dodon said. According to him, if during the next week such dynamics continues, then at the end of April the authorities will remove restrictions on certain types of economic activity. Dodon emphasized that in the coming week and a half it is very important to comply with all quarantine measures to keep this level of infected. Earlier, two scenarios that WHO presented to the Moldovan authorities were told by Prime Minister Ion Chicu. “The first scenario meant about 2 thousand infected by April 9th. This figure was based on the growth model of infected people over the past six days, up to 27% (this average has been in Italy since the first detected case). This scenario meant that by the end of April we would have 28 thousand infected. The Albanian scenario was based on an average growth of 11% over the past six days and provided that by the end of April we would have 3 thousand infected,” Chicu said, posting graphs of both scenarios.