Maia Sandu: Entire Hospitals Have Become COVID-19 Foci

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Poor preparation of hospitals, insufficient protection of doctors, as well as inactivity at borders to identify possible COVID-19 carriers among those entering the country have led the Republic of Moldova to the current situation. This was stated by the former prime minister, leader of the Party of Action and Solidarity Maia Sandu during the Tema Zilei program on Canal 2, reports. “From the first day when a state of emergency was declared, we expressed our readiness to participate in one form or another. It is difficult enough to manage such a situation to minimize sanitary problems, the consequences of the sanitary crisis and the consequences of the economic crisis. Unfortunately, we have arrogant personalities who can only make accusations. According to them, everyone is guilty of bad governance, except for the government,” Maia Sandu said. She accuses authorities of a large number of infections among doctors and medical system workers. Maia Sandu says that a month after the state of emergency was declared, some hospitals became true hotbeds of COVID-19. “Doctors and hospitals were very poorly prepared for this crisis, a month after the declaration of the state of emergency, we see how entire hospitals turned into foci of infection for both medical personnel and people hospitalized for reasons other than COVID-19 infection. The process of preparing hospitals was very poor, so we have the highest infection rate among doctors,” the former prime minister added. According to Maia Sandu, another element that led to an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections is related to checking those who returned to the country. “The problems occurred even when protection measures at the border were announced, but they were not respected in relation to people returning home. There were people with this virus who were not detected on time. Mistakes were made from the very beginning. People were not checked, documented, or tested,” the PAS leader said.