Trump: United States Has Passed the Peak of Coronavirus Outbreak

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The US president should unveil the principles of opening the US economy on Thursday. According to President Donald Trump, the data indicate that the country has passed the peak of coronavirus infections and promised on Thursday to introduce “new basic principles” for the upcoming resumption of economic activity in the United States. The President said this on Wednesday evening at a daily press briefing of the White House working group on coronavirus. “The fight continues, but the data suggest that the country has passed the peak of new infections,” the president said. “Although we must remain vigilant, it’s clear that our decisive strategy works,” Trump added. In addition, as Reuters reports, Donald Trump said that his administration is trying to find out if one of the Chinese biological laboratories in Wuhan became the source of the coronavirus. During the press conference, the head of the White House was asked if he knew about the reports that the virus was literally “released from the bottle” as a result of an accidental incident. “We are conducting a very thorough check of this terrible situation that has occurred,” the president replied. It is interesting that the day before, on Tuesday, General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Armed Forces, said that, according to U.S. intelligence, the origin of coronavirus is most likely natural and appeared naturally, although one cannot be absolutely sure of this. Along with this, President Trump threatened to force members of Congress to interrupt their activities or return to the Capitol, despite the coronavirus pandemic. Trump recalled that, due to the lack of a majority of lawmakers in Washington, the White House was unable to approve candidates for federal judges and other government posts. “The current practice of leaving the city with fake formal sessions is a failure to fulfill duties that the American people cannot afford during this crisis,” the president said. Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House working group, commented on the epidemiological situation in the United States, expressing concern about the situation in Providence, the largest city in the Rhode Island state on the northeast coast of the United States. Providence found itself trapped between two epicenters of a coronavirus outbreak in New York and Boston. “We remain concerned, and discussed this with the [authorities] of Rhode Island. Rhode Island and Providence are in a unique situation. At first, they increasingly reported cases brought from New York, and now they have new cases brought from Boston,” Birx said. She encouraged Americans to continue adhering to social distancing and noted that in nine states, less than a thousand cases of coronavirus infection were recorded.