Almost 1.4 Thousand Citizens Returned to Moldova for Easter

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Over the past 24 hours, more than 1399 citizens have entered Moldova. This was reported on April 19 by the Border Guard Service. According to border guards, about 540 citizens entered the country from Romania, another 540 crossed the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, and the rest arrived at Chisinau airport with charter flights. The Border Guard Service noted that all arrivals had passed tests for coronavirus and filled out an epidemiological card. “Not a single person had COVID-19symptoms,” the Border Guard added. The agency also reported that out of nearly 1.4 thousand arrivals, many returned to the country from Poland, Germany, and Israel by charter flights organized with the assistance of the authorities. Also, the Border Guard Service recalled that all citizens arriving in Moldova should tell about their travels over the past two weeks and contacts with coronavirus infected when crossing the border. They should also list the symptoms of those with whom they contacted - whether they had a cough, a high fever, and also tell about their state of health and the medicines they took, especially in case of anti-febrile medicines. Also, the returnees must submit at the border the documents confirming the citizenship of Moldova and the right to stay in the country. In addition, they must fill in the epidemiological questionnaires and sign a declaration obliging them to comply with a two-week lockdown and buy a compulsory health insurance policy within three days.