Tkaciuk Mentioned the Reason for the Sandu Government's Fall

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Member of the executive committee of the Civil Congress Party, Mark Tkaciuk, believes that one of the reasons why Sandu cabinet of ministers fell was her decision to annul the results of the competition for the Prosecutor General post. He shared his opinion on the air of the Puterea a patra talk show on N4 TV channel. "There are many reasons, but one of them, the last, boiled down to the fact that Maia Grigorievna decided to act for several hours as Vladimir Georgievich Plahotniuc to cancel the competition results for the prosecutor general post, since she believed that her great revolutionary past allowed her to make such reputation and, most importantly, illegal lapses," Tkaciuk noted. According to him, the president of the country Igor Dodon decided to take advantage of this situation, burdened by a "colorful union in which it was necessary to really implement the oligarchic agenda, and not deal with mines, cigarettes and duty-free." As Tkachuk put it, Maia Sandu created a "very comfortable casus bellie" for Igor Dodon, so that he could easily get rid of her under a specious excuse.