Donald Trump Signed a Decree Suspending Immigration to the United States

Home / News / Donald Trump Signed a Decree Suspending Immigration to the United States
Trump suspended immigration to the United States for two months, saying that the Americans themselves need medical resources and jobs during the epidemic. An exception is made for doctors. US President Donald Trump announced that he has signed a decree suspending immigration to the country due to the coronavirus epidemic. The corresponding statement trump made on Wednesday, April 22, in Washington. He explained this step by the need to preserve jobs and medical resources for Americans. "First of all, we want to take care of our own citizens - we must do this," said the head of the White House. Earlier, Donald Trump explained that the decree will be valid for 60 days with possible extension and that it will mainly cover those who seek to enter the United States for permanent residence on green card. The decree takes effect on the night of Friday, April 24, and affects foreigners who are outside the United States and have not yet received entry rights. An exception will be made for health workers and others in the fight against the epidemic. The United States is by far the first in the world in the total number of detected cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This figure is already approaching 850 thousand, the number of fatal outcomes of viral pneumonia COVID-19 in the United States exceeded 47.5 thousand people.