Expert: Moldova's Military Significance for NATO Is Close to Zilch

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It is unnecessary talking about Moldova’s military significance for NATO "it is close to zilch." This opinion expressed in an interview to “Eurasia. Expert” the political sciences doctor, associate professor of the Institute of International Relations, Sergiu Nazaria. He believes that the United States is hardly interested in Moldova joining NATO: "Americans are only concerned that there is no Russian presence on Moldavian territory and Russian influence in Moldova," reported The expert recalled that "the overwhelming majority of the population of Moldova is against joining NATO, moreover, joining the Alliance means the unresolved Transdniestrian issue." “Moldova’s admission to NATO, when the issue of its territorial integrity is not resolved, does not fit into the Alliance’s policy. In this case, NATO will have to take full responsibility for resolving the Transdniestrian issue. At the same time, the confrontation with Russia will intensify, although their relation is no bowl of cherries even now. In general, Moldova’s membership in NATO in the foreseeable future is not on the cards, "he said. At the same time, Nazaria does not believe that Chisinau will be able to put into practice the concept of a neutral foreign policy, since this has not been done over the past 30 years. “First, we need to solve the Transdniestrian issue, the issue of territorial integrity - only after that we can talk about some kind of neutrality. And the solution to the Transdniestrian issue has now become more problematic than it was 30 years ago. So, there are no prospects,” Nazaria informed. In his opinion, "without restoring the territorial unity of the republic no policy will be able to be fully implemented and be effective." “Due to the unresolved Transdniestrian issue, which is vital for the existence of the Moldovan state, it may disappear at a certain stage. Without solving this issue, there can be no long-term, effective and reliable Moldovan statehood. It requires close cooperation with Russia, therefore, at this stage for Moldova needs the closest possible relations with it, " the expert said. Answering the question whether Moldova could lose balance between Russia and the West if President Dodon loses the upcoming elections he noted that the West "will always try to tear Moldova from Russia." “With the advent of Dodon’s power nothing has changed in the republic’s foreign policy with the exception, of course, of some gestures. Yes, he tweaked a little, adjusted his policy towards Russia but more in words than in practice. With regard to the EU the policy remained the same as before Dodon. If the power changes, Moldova will continue its current policy towards Russia and the West, " Nazaria said.