PDM and PSRM Requested Details on Terms of Agreement with Russia

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PDM and PSRM MPs requested details on the agreement terms with the Russian Federation. They turned to the Ministry of Justice with a request to provide a legal interpretation of the article, according to which "any debt of any entity of the Republic of Moldova to the Russian government or institutions of the Russian government where there is "consent of the Moldovan side" automatically becomes part of this agreement" from the loan agreement by the Russian Federation. This decision was made during discussions on the Coalition Council platform, ipn.md reports. In a joint press release issued on the evening of April 21, PSRM and PDM inform that the procedure for resolving disputes between the two parties will be specified. At the same time, the parliamentary majority asked the Ministry of Finance to provide information on the debts or loans guaranteed by the state of the Russian Federation, as well as information on the procedure and the ways for the possible provision of such guarantees by the Republic of Moldova. The parties discussed external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, the money that comes as budget support (about 235 million dollars from the International Monetary Fund and 200 million euros from the Russian Federation), as well as 87 million euros to be provided by the European Union on various projects outside the country's budget. During the meeting, issues related to equipping doctors and hospitals of the country with protective equipment and measures taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 during the Easter holidays were also discussed.