Trump Admitted Trade Deal with China Termination

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This will happen if Beijing does not comply with it because of the worsening global economic situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the USA president stated. US President Donald Trump does not rule out trade deal with China termination if Beijing does not fulfill it due to sharp deterioration in the global economic situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, TASS informed. "If this happens, then we will go to an end [of the agreement]," the American leader said on April 21, during the briefing for journalists in the White House answering the question about what would happen if the PRC does not execute the new bilateral deal. “And we will do what I can do best than anyone else,” Trump added, without going into details. The signing ceremony for the first phase of the US-China trade deal took place on January 15 in Washington. Trump and Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC Liu He put their signatures on the document. China, in particular, agreed to increase purchases of US products by $ 76.7 billion during the first year and by $ 123.3 billion during the second year of the agreement. This is not only about agricultural products, but also about other American products. According to Trump, the deal will allow the United States reduce a large deficit within bilateral trade with China. Recently, the US president has emphasized several times that Washington will build further relations with Beijing, taking into account primarily the way China implements the January trade agreement.