Trump Opposed Revisioning Trade Deal with China

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Beijing does not mind revising the terms trade agreement with the United States, since it cannot afford a new trade war. However, Trump does not want to hear about any revision. US President Donald Trump has opposed the resumption of negotiations on trade deal with China. He made the corresponding statement on Monday, May 11, at a press conference in the White House. “No, that doesn't interest me at all. Not even a little interested. We made a deal. However, I heard that China would like to resume negotiations in order to negotiate better conditions for itself,” Trump said. Beijing wants to break the agreement The topic of transaction revision arose after the information in the Chinese state publication Global Times stating that advisers to the Chinese authorities insist on negotiations with the United States resumption over the deal. The United States, in their opinion, weakened during the coronavirus pandemic and can no longer afford to wage a trade war with China. Thus, it is in Beijing’s interests to break the agreement and conclude it under new conditions. After the one and a half year ongoing trade war between the two countries, on January 15, Beijing and Washington signed an agreement. This document obliges Beijing to sharply increase imports of American products, at least $ 200 billion in two years. In particular, purchases of energy from the United States, namely oil, oil products, gas and coal, should grow by $ 52.4 billion over this period compared to 2017.