Diacov regarding Talks about Government’s Resignation: Lots of Demagogy

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Those who today want to overthrow the government, nevertheless understand that it is not easy to appoint a new cabinet. And in the most difficult situation in which the country finds itself, a functional authority is needed. Dumitru Diacov, PDM’s Honorary Chairman, expressed his opinion in the program “Glavnoie” with Lilia Buracovscaia on TVC-21, eNews reports. “Lots of demagogy on this topic. Because everyone realizes that if this government is dismissed, they will not able to appoint a new one. We exchange information and communicate with the PAS and DA parties. But we are not going to vote for the government’s resignation. Because our representatives are there and they work in good faith from morning till night.” Diacov noted that the country is going through a very difficult period economically, medically, and socially. “Aware of the need for an active government, we cannot joke with these things. Because the dismissed government has no powers that the current one has. It cannot enter into any negotiations, conclude agreements, and cannot adopt organic laws and many things,” Diacov expressed his confidence.