Trump Signed Sanctions against China Due to Uighurs Harassment

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Those involved in the persecution of Uighurs could face assets freezing and banning on entry into the United States. Such a law signed Donald Trump. US President Donald Trump on Wednesday, June 17, signed a law on sanctions against China due to violations of the rights of Uighurs. US restrictive measures may include those individuals and organizations involved in the persecution of Uighurs. Responsible for harassment could face a freeze in assets or restrictions on entry into the United States. In 2019, Washington imposed sanctions against 28 organizations from China, which it considered to be involved in human rights violations and Uighurs detention. At that times these were restrictions on export and re-export and refusal to license supplies. Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking nation, the vast majority of its representatives live in Xinjiang province in western China. By religion, the Uighurs are Sunni Muslims. According to human rights organizations, more than 1 million Uighurs and representatives of other Muslim minorities are in so-called re-education camps, where they are forced to abandon their religion, culture and language.