Pavel Filip: Doors Are Open for Both Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase

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“The doors for Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase are open. If they have something to say, we are ready to meet and discuss what can be done for Moldova, and it does not matter who the prime minister is, if there is a balance in forming the political structure”. This was an answer from PDM chairman Pavel Filip to the question whether he would support the government led by one of the two opposition political leaders. Statements were made during the Cutia Neagră program on TV8. Pavel Filip reminded Maia Sandu that she refused to engage in dialogue with the Democrats last fall when she served as prime minister to convince PDM not to vote for the resignation of her cabinet of ministers. “If Ms. Maia Sandu wanted a no confidence motion not to be voted on, she would pick up the phone and start a dialogue, which essentially would mean a coalition,” said Philip. Recall that a few weeks ago, the DA Platform announced that it was ready to head the government if there were votes needed to dismiss the Chicu cabinet and appoint a new leader.