Chicu Telling MPs: I Am Waiting for You on Thursday in Parliament, Do not Run Away

Home / News / Chicu Telling MPs: I Am Waiting for You on Thursday in Parliament, Do not Run Away
Prime Minister Ion Chicu will come to parliament for the fourth time to introduce bills for which the government under his leadership has taken responsibility. In this regard, the Prime Minister called on the deputies of the parliament “not to run away” from him and come to work in the Legislature, reports. “The top of absurdity and irresponsibility is in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Some deputies have boycotted three sessions in a row. People sent them to parliament to work, not to run from the prime minister. Since I promote projects that are absolutely necessary for people, I will come to parliament on Thursday and Friday, and when it will be necessary. Let’s see how long they will run away from me. The amendments that we want to make include 175 million lei to cover the personnel costs in the field of education. If teachers do not receive a salary in August or September through your fault, dear deputies, you should take this responsibility. If we face such a situation, I promise that you will be left without funding to “be closer to people”. I am waiting for you at work on Thursday, dear deputies. Do not run away,” Chicu  wrote on his Facebook page. Note that opposition deputies boycotted the third parliamentary meeting in a row. At the failed meetings, Prime Minister Ion Chicu planned to introduce several bills for which the government wants to take responsibility.