Chicu: The Main Goal Is to Dissolve Parliament by All Means

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Moldovan Prime Minister Ion Chicu believes that the parliament deliberately blocks the work of the government when it disrupts meetings and does not allow the Cabinet to submit an initiative to change the state budget, and therefore it should be dissolved. The opposition blocked two parliamentary meetings last week, refusing to listen to the prime minister with an initiative to amend the state budget for 2020. On Monday, June 6, the prime minister will again appear in the parliament to try to introduce the governmental initiative, reports. “It is obvious that this parliament has discredited itself before the society, therefore the main goal is to dissolve the parliament by all means. Depending on today’s actions of the deputies, we will decide how to proceed. I hope that politicians will show responsibility,” Chicu said at a briefing on Monday. According to the prime minister, parties that restrict the government and prevent it from fulfilling its duties violate the constitution. Earlier, Moldovan President Igor Dodon said that he would do everything possible to hold early parliamentary elections, because he does not see another way out of the political crisis. He admitted that the Cabinet may resign and provoke early parliamentary elections.