Denmark Gave the Green Light to the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Remaining Section

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According to the decision of the Danish authorities, pipe layers with anchor positioning during the construction of Nord Stream 2 are allowed. Thus, Copenhagen gave the green light to the construction of the last section of the gas pipeline. Denmark authorized the use of pipe-laying vessels with anchor positioning in the Danish exclusive economic zone in the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. This is stated in the message of the Danish Energy Agency, released on Monday, July 6. This decision was made in response to a request from the Nord Stream 2 AG operating company in accordance with the Law on the Continental Shelf and based on the obligations of Copenhagen under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the press release indicates. It emphasizes that Denmark is obliged to authorize the construction of transit pipelines taking into account the requirements of safety, resources and environmental protection. According to the decision of the Danish Energy Agency, pipe-laying vessels not only with dynamic positioning allowed on October 30, 2019, but also with anchor positioning, can be used in the construction of Nord Stream-2. A separate permit was required due to the fact that tanks with chemical warfare agents from the Second World War were flooded in this area, so that bottom trawling, anchoring of ships and interference with the seabed are associated with the risk of hitting them. The decision of the energy agency may still be appealed to the Danish Board of Appeals for Energy. Construction of Nord Stream 2 suspended due to US sanctions The construction of Nord Stream 2, which is supposed to deliver Russian gas to Germany along the Baltic Sea bottom in parallel with the already existing Nord Stream, was suspended at the end of 2019 due to US sanctions against European contractors participating in the project. Recently, US senators announced the expansion of sanctions aimed at stopping construction. According to Washington, this pipeline will strengthen Europe’s dependence on Russian gas supplies. While the USA and a number of European states oppose the new gas pipeline construction, the countries through the territorial waters of which it passes (Finland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark) are allowed to lay pipes. On July 1, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that US extraterritorial sanctions against Nord Stream 2 do not comply with Germany’s legal views and that Berlin intends to complete the project.