“I Count on Maia Sandu’s Responsibility.” Chicu Will Try to Submit Budget Amendments to MPs for the Fourth Time

Home / News / “I Count on Maia Sandu’s Responsibility.” Chicu Will Try to Submit Budget Amendments to MPs for the Fourth Time
Prime Minister Ion Chicu will come to Parliament for the fourth time on July 9 to take responsibility for four bills. His three previous attempts to address the deputies failed due to the lack of a quorum. Chicu announced this on July 8 on his Facebook page and urged the leader of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) Maia Sandu to discuss with him what Cabinet drafts her formation is ready to support. “People are waiting for support from the state. Bills for which the government has taken responsibility assume such support and they have been waiting in parliament for a week. Politicians are engaged in politics, this is their bread. In the meantime, people have no bread. Therefore, I suggest that Maia Sandu specifically indicate which drafts are unacceptable for PAS. If there are none, I suggest that Maia Sandu should not oppose their approval. If PAS has realistic proposals, then we are ready to discuss them and make additional amendments. Tomorrow at 10:00 I will be in parliament again. I count on Maia Sandu’s responsibility,” Chicu wrote. As NM wrote earlier, at a July 1meeting, the government headed by Ion Chicu decided to take responsibility for amendments to the law on the unified remuneration system in the public sector, the 2020 state budget law, and the social and medical insurance budget law. The opposition MPs do not agree with Chicu’s approach and argue that he unnecessarily resorts to the procedure of taking responsibility by the government, and amendments to the legislation in question should be implemented through parliament.