The ECHR Ruled on the Case of Two Turkish Teachers Expelled from Moldova

Home / News / The ECHR Ruled on the Case of Two Turkish Teachers Expelled from Moldova
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled on Turkish citizens, teachers of the Chisinau Orizont Lyceum, expelled from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The ECHR has received a statement in which the plaintiffs withdraw their claims in exchange for payment of 25,000 euros in damages, reports. “The applicants complained of a violation of Article 5 § 1 of the Convention concerning unlawful detention and Article 8 of the Convention concerning a violation of the rights to respect for private and family life. The ECHR took note of the statement signed by the parties and decided to terminate the consideration of the case,” the ECHR said in a press release. Earlier, the Moldovan government paid 125 thousand euros to 5 Turkish citizens deported in 2018. Thus, in total, the state was obliged to pay 175,000 euros for non-pecuniary damage to all seven Turkish teachers.