Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Has Put Renato Usatii on the International Wanted List

Home / News / Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Has Put Renato Usatii on the International Wanted List
As a law enforcement source clarified, this was done in order to further submit the materials on the Moldovan businessman to Interpol. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has put the Moldovan businessman and politician Renato Usatii on the international wanted list as part of a criminal case on organizing a criminal community. As a law enforcement source clarified to TASS, this was done in order to further submit materials on his case to Interpol, reports. “The investigation put Renato Usatii on the international wanted list in order to submit materials on his case to Interpol in the future,” the agency’s interlocutor said. As the press service of the Moscow Tverskoy court explained TASS, the investigation asks to arrest Usatii in absentia. “The issue of arrest in absentia in relation to Usatii R.G. will be considered on July 24, at 14:00 Moscow time,” the press service noted. Earlier, Usatii himself told TASS that, in his opinion, Interpol would not include him in the international wanted list, since several years ago it had already recognized his persecution, allegedly organized by the former head of the Democratic Party of Moldova Vladimir Plahotniuc, as politically motivated. He also said that the amount of money, the withdrawal of which he is accused of by the investigation, exceeds $ 15 billion. According to him, the case against him was initiated on December 6, 2019. Usatii now lives in Moldova, he was elected mayor of Balti in local elections, gaining 65% of the votes in the first round. The Moldovan politician on Thursday confirmed to journalists that he was wanted on the territory of the Russian Federation and again declared his innocence. “I have never had anything to do with either the Moldovan or Russian Laundromats (withdrawing money to offshores from Russia through Moldovan banks - TASS),” he said. In addition, according to Usatii, next week Russian law enforcement agencies plan to submit him for control to the Interpol list to determine his whereabouts.