Sandu on Elections: I Am not Running as an Anti-Russian Candidate, I Am against Corruption

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PAS chairperson and former prime minister Maia Sandu said that in the upcoming   presidential campaign she will not stand as an anti-Russian, but as an anti-corruption candidate. The former head of the executive power stated this on the air of the program "Friday with Anatol Golea" on the RTR-Moldova TV channel, reports. "In this campaign I am not running as an anti-Russian candidate, but as a candidate against corruption and a candidate of honest people. I want to represent honest people," the politician said. When asked by the host why she did not visit the Russian capital during her tenure as prime minister, the PAS leader said that such a decision was made by the Russian authorities, who knew the consequences a month before the government resigned. "Why didn't I go to Moscow? There was an invitation. There was also an agreement that I would come to Moscow on October 8, 2019. A few days before that, the ambassador (Oleg Vasnetsov - ed.) contacted the minister (Nicu Popescu - ed.) and informed him that they could not receive Ms. Sandu, saying that they would inform us later. Then we asked requested information on what date it would be, but no one answered us. We can only assume that Moscow knew that the government would not hold out for a long time, so they did not want to set up another meeting," Sandu explained. Recall, the Sandu government was dismissed on November 12, 2019.