Sandu: We Will Continue Dialogue with DPM to Dismiss the Government

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Maia Sandu said that there were several unsuccessful attempts at meetings between the three parties - PAS, DA Platform and DPM. In this regard, it was decided to negotiate on a bilateral basis. Former Prime Minister stated that during the discussions that PAS held with DPM, Pavel Filip admitted that there is a problem with managing the health crisis and agreed over some of the points expressed by PAS representatives, reports. “Pavel Filip agreed that the economic and health crisis is being managed ineffectively. However, as was seen on the day when the vote was considered, he was not ready to secede from the socialists to appoint another government. We recognize that the appointment of a new cabinet is a more difficult task than the resignation of the current one. But since we are in such a difficult situation, we should test all the options,” said the politician. Maia Sandu also said that the opposition will try to put forward another vote of no confidence and make attempts to persuade DPM members to support this initiative. “I don’t see where else we can get the voices, we will try to talk with them further. Perhaps at some point they will understand how catastrophic the situation in the country is, and the fact that the government they support is largely to blame for this disaster, after that they will be more ready to dismiss the current cabinet and appoint a new one,” Sandu noted.