U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo Calls China a New Tyranny

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The free world must triumph over the communist China, says Michael Pompeo. The US Secretary of State accused China of unfair trade practices and human rights violations. US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo lashed out at China. “The free world must triumph over a new tyranny,” he said at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California, on Thursday, July 23rd. “If the free world does not change Communist China, Communist China will change us,” the head of the State Department said. He called for a new alliance of democracies to oppose China, although he was not specific about which countries should join the union. At the same time, Pompeo did not rule out the opportunity for Russia to be involved in this alliance. There is an opportunity for Washington to enlist Moscow’s support on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) issue which stems from the natural relationship between Russia and China, he said. If the US and the Russian Federation work together on a number of issues, including “big strategic challenges,” the world “can become safer,” the US Secretary of State said. “The CCP is repeating the same mistakes that the Soviet Union made” Pompeo accused China of unfair trade practices, human rights abuses, and attempts to infiltrate Chinese agents of influence into American society. According to him, the CCP “is repeating the same mistakes that the Soviet Union made - alienating potential allies, breaking trust at home and abroad, rejecting property rights.” The policies of the United States and other free states “resurrected China’s failing economy,” the US Secretary of State said. However, “Beijing only bit the hands that were feeding it”, he added. “It is no longer acceptable to ignore the fundamental political and ideological differences between our countries,” the head of the State Department summed up. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated in recent weeks. On July 14, United States President Donald Trump announced the signing of a law on new sanctions against China in connection with its actions against Hong Kong, as well as an executive order canceling Washington’s trade and economic preferences for this special administrative PRC region. US demanded from China to close Consulate General in Houston A few days later, the United States ordered Beijing to close the PRC Consulate General in Texas Houston in order to protect American intellectual property and personal information of the American. Beijing accused Washington of “unprecedented escalation” of the situation and threatened to retaliate. At a briefing, a spokesman for the PRC Foreign Ministry said about “unilateral political provocation by the United States” and Washington’s violation of international law and key principles of international relations.