PDM chairman Pavel Filip accused the recently expelled from the party Vladimir Andronachi and Eugen Nichiforciuc of trying to bribe the Democratic deputies. In addition, he stated they had long acted in the socialists’ interests.
"They have been in direct contact with the PSRM for a long time and, in fact, have always been in their camp. They participated in the" barbecue "when they tried to lure 17 deputies from the PDM to the PSRM. Well, they failed to.”
publika.md quoted Pavel Filip.
Filip also said that Nichiforciuc tried to push amendments in parliament through budget for selfish interests: “It was a widely discussed amendment. Signed by MP Nichiforciuc, being in fact nothing more than an illegal cigarettes scheme that would have caused a 160 million lei damage to the state. "
Philip's speech was a response when Nichiforciuc recently accused him of being involved in dubious schemes, and in PDM’s collapse. Neither he nor Andronachi responded to journalists calls. We managed to get a comment from the PSRM. Press secretary Irina Astahova said that the party does not accept defectors into its parliamentary faction and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other parties.