Trump: If Biden Wins, China Will Become America's Master

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The National Convention of the Republican Party has ended in Washington. Donald Trump has formally agreed to run for the second term in the next presidential election. Many observers called it the Trump convention since four of president's children, First Lady Melania Trump, one of his sons’ wife and the girlfriend of another spoke at it, reported. Trump based his speech on criticizing his opponent, former US Vice President Joe Biden, calling him the Trojan horse of socialism. He accused Biden of moving jobs from America to other countries and sending Americans to endless wars overseas. "China will become the master of our country if Biden wins the elections," Trump said. Trump and the American Dream The Democratic Party, as Trump stated, turned out to be a radical left group. According to him, the Democrats want to destroy the American Dream and flood the streets of American cities with anarchists and criminals. "This election will decide whether we keep the American dream or let the socialist agenda destroy our precious heritage," Trump said. "Your vote will decide whether we protect law-abiding Americans or give freedom of action to violent anarchists, agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens." According to him, the Democratic convention was dedicated to criticizing America as a country of racial, social and economic inequality. He believes that such a vision is incompatible with governing the country. “Today I want to ask you a very simple question - how can the Democratic Party rule our country if it spends all its time destroying our country?” “In the backward vision of the left, America is not the freest, fairest and most exclusive country in the world. Instead, they see an immoral country that must be punished for its sins. " Trump has mentioned Biden over 40 times. In his speech a week ago, Biden never called the president by name, but criticized him harshly. As Trump delivered his speech, opponents protested outside the White House, supporters of the anti-racist Black Lives Matter movement. With Election Day two months away, Joe Biden leads the polls. Meeting without masks and promising the vaccine Nearly 1,500 people gathered on Thursday evening on the White House's South Lawn in Washington to mark the conclusion of the GOP National Convention. Trump's campaign staff strongly advised the US president supporters wearing masks and maintaining social distance. But the chairs on the White House lawn were spaced a few centimeters apart, and few of the guests came in masks. In July, the Washington Mayor's Office banned events in the District of Columbia where more than 50 people can gather, and announced that all visitors from out-of-state must comply with a 14-day quarantine. However, none of the participants on the last day of the convention did not observe these rules. Speaking to the guests of the party congress, Donald Trump announced that he agreed to stand for the presidency of the United States in the upcoming elections and promised that in the very near future America would create a coronavirus vaccine. “We will create a vaccine before the end of the year, and maybe even earlier,” said the US President. "We will defeat the virus, overcome the pandemic and become even stronger than before." What Biden said A few hours before the White House rally, Joe Biden's campaign team released a video message from the Democratic presidential candidate. In his speech, the ex-vice president recalled that massive protests and demonstrations swept the United States during the presidency of Donald Trump, and it was he who should be responsible for the unrest in dozens of US cities. "When Donald Trump tries to convince you that you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America, just look around and ask yourself, how safe do you feel in Donald Trump's America?" The former vice president asked.