The coronavirus has gotten out of control as the international community has not shown enough unity and solidarity, Antonio Guterres said.
UN Secretary General António Guterres criticized the global community for lack of interaction amid the SARS-CoV-2
coronavirus pandemic. "The pandemic has become a test for international cooperation. And we clearly failed this test," -
Guterres said during the New York
briefing on Thursday, September 24. "The virus got out of control. This was the result of a lack of global preparedness, cooperation,
unity and solidarity," the UN Secretary General stressed. If the world meets the climate crisis with the same disunity, then the worst can be feared, he lamented.
According to the
Worldometer portal, more than 32.4 million coronavirus infection cases have been registered in the world. 987,742 people with COVID-19 have died, almost 24 million have recovered.