The United States Announced Readiness to Deploy Hypersonic Missiles in Europe

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This stated Robert O'Brien, the Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security. The United States will be ready, if necessary, to deploy intermediate- and shorter-range hypersonic missiles in Europe to contain Russia. This stated Robert O'Brien, the Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security speaking at the Washington Hudson Institute. “We are building hypersonic weapons, we are building ballistic missile delivery systems that will help keep America safe ... protect our allies and contain China. We will deploy such missiles, if necessary, in Europe to contain Russia,” the US presidential aide said. “We think deploying these weapons, we will not only contain the attack but will as well get a position where we can conduct real negotiations on arms control in the future,” the US presidential aide said. O'Brien added that Washington is ready to take the same measures in the Indo-Pacific region to contain China, which, according to the American side, “took advantage of the fact that the United States was limited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty)” and deployed "thousands of missiles" aimed at United States allies. Earlier, the Pentagon reported that the United States is developing a hypersonic cruise missile that can be launched from the McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 carrier-based naval aircraft. Their deliveries to the country's navy should be expected by 2028. On October 16, US President Donald Trump announced that the country's armed forces already have hypersonic missiles. “Just like in the 1980s, we deployed Pershing missiles and cruise missiles in Europe so that the Soviet Union sat down at the negotiating table and agreed to discuss the zero option that preceded the INF Treaty,” O'Brien explained. The Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missile Treaty was signed between the United States and the USSR in 1987 and entered into force in 1988. The parties agreed to eliminate ground-based intermediate and shorter-range missile systems. On August 2, 2019, Washington left the treaty. O'Brien said Russia and the United States will extend the Treaty on Measures to Further Reduce and Limit Strategic Offensive Arms (START III) by a year if they can resolve issues related to verification measures. “We have proposed extending the New START Treaty for a year,” O'Brien said. And at the same time, both sides - Russia and the United States - agreed to set a limit on their weapons production during this year to see if that gives us time to negotiate a new, really great long-term arms control deal with the Russians. “I think we are getting closer to this. We are developing a verification procedure for this one-year period. If we can resolve the verification issues, then I believe we can come to a deal. We just need to see how seriously Russians take arms control,” O’Brien said.