The Number of Coronavirus Caused Deaths Reached 500 Thousand in Europe

Home / News / The Number of Coronavirus Caused Deaths Reached 500 Thousand in Europe
Recently, mortality in the region has been growing at an accelerated pace Europe became the first region in the world where the death toll from COVID-19, according to Reuters, exceeded 500 thousand. Meanwhile, a new strain of coronavirus has been identified in the UK; a strain that has jeopardized the effectiveness of preventive measures to curb the pandemic. Mortality in Europe has been growing at an accelerated pace over recent months. After the first COVID-19 patient died in France in February, it took eight months for the death toll to reach 250,000. But after 60 days, this figure increased from 250 thousand to 500 thousand. France, Spain, Italy, Great Britain and Russia report hundreds of deaths a day. These five countries account for nearly 60 percent of all deaths in the region.