Slusari Asked Sandu to Urgently Convene a Meeting of the SSC: Wheat Is Being Exported from the Country

Home / Economy / Slusari Asked Sandu to Urgently Convene a Meeting of the SSC: Wheat Is Being Exported from the Country
Vice-Chairman of the DA Platform Alexander Slusari asked Maia Sandu to urgently convene a meeting of the Supreme Security Council to discuss the issue of wheat exports, since there are risks to the country's food security. Slusari claimed that at present “the HACI vessel, hired by Vazha Jashi, is freely loaded in the port with wheat for export at a price of 4.6 lei per kilogram,” reported. “Half of 6,000 tons have already been loaded. The head of ANSA is putting pressure on his subordinates from Cahul to issue a phytosanitary certificate, despite the fact that the documents contain false information. The same pressure comes from the customs service. At the same time, bread is becoming more expensive in the districts,” the deputy noted. “I ask the president to convene the Supreme Security Council before tonight, with a report to the SIB and with the participation of government members, who will also approve the decision to ban wheat exports until July 1. Otherwise, the ship will leave tomorrow morning with 6,000 thousand tons of wheat and in the near future other ships will come to take out the remaining 11 thousand tons,” Slusari added. Recall, the Acting Chairman of the PDS Igor Grosu asked the Acting Prime Minister Aureliu Ciocoi to urgently convene a government meeting to ban the export of wheat from state reserves. “The reason for this briefing was several phone calls from the districts about the increase in the price for bread. Bread has become more expensive by lei, all bread has risen in price, including the one that was in the greatest demand among citizens,” Igor Grosu said.