The CEC Challenged the Decision to Reduce the Number of Transdniestrian Polling Stations in the SCJ

Home / Politics / The CEC Challenged the Decision to Reduce the Number of Transdniestrian Polling Stations in the SCJ
The Central Election Commission (CEC) appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) against the decision of the Chisinau Court of Appeal to reduce the number of polling stations in the Transdniestrian region from 41 to 12. The information was confirmed by the CEC press secretary Rodica Sirbu, reports. As a reminder, on July 8 the Chisinau Court of Appeal decided to reduce the number of polling stations for voters in the Transdniestrian region. The decision was made after the Dignity and Truth Platform appealed to the court. The DA platform and other pro-European parties have previously expressed concern that polling stations on the left bank of the Dniester could be used to rig elections through organized voting. Earlier, the Presidential Administration canceled the decision to open three more polling stations in the Transdniestrian-controlled communities, and the CEC complied with it. Early parliamentary elections will be held on July 11.