PAS Bill: The Accounting Chamber Will Audit Expenses and Investments in Gas Companies

Home / Economy / PAS Bill: The Accounting Chamber Will Audit Expenses and Investments in Gas Companies
The PAS faction has registered a bill that provides for an external state audit of companies operating in the natural gas sector. This was reported by the deputy of the PAS Radu Marian, writes. According to the deputy, this specific law will enable the Accounting Chamber to check the compliance of capital investments and investments in gas companies. The audited persons, regardless of the type of ownership and organizational and legal form, regardless of whether they have a controlling stake in the state or not, will have to submit the necessary information, data and documents in the format and within the time requested by the Accounting Chamber. The deadline for submitting an audit report is October 31, 2022. Marian also makes an “important clarification”: “I ask the public not to confuse this audit of the Accounts Chamber with the debt audit agreed in the protocol of negotiations on the natural gas supplies. The debt audit agreed in the protocol will be conducted by an international company under a contract with the Ministry of Finance.” “This external public audit of the Accounting Chamber should be comprehensive, which, in addition to analyzing the alleged debts, should help us better understand how this area has been managed in recent years, whether there have been violations, corruption, fraud, etc. The natural gas sector is crucial for the well-being of the country, but also for the security of the state. Citizens honestly paid their natural gas bills, they invested in local gas networks and deserve to know how this sector has been managed in recent years,” the deputy concludes. Point