The Gas Price in Europe has Broken a Historical Record

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The price of gas in Europe during trading on the stock exchange on Wednesday broke the historical record recorded at the end of December 2021 and rose to almost $ 2,230 per 1 thousand cubic meters, according to data from the London ICE exchange. In general, the cost of gas is growing by 59.4%, reports The price of the April futures on the TTF hub in the Netherlands rose to $2,226 per 1 thousand cubic meters, or €193.95 per MWh (based on the current euro-dollar exchange rate, ICE prices are in euros per MWh) The cost of gas on March 2 consistently exceeded $1500, $1600, $1700, $1800, $1900, $2000 and $2,100 per 1 thousand cubic meters. In addition, the price of gas is rising following in the oil cost increase to the highest levels since June 2014. Point