BoCS: 40% of Moldova’s Territory Will Be Controlled by Foreign Police

Home / Security / BoCS: 40% of Moldova’s Territory Will Be Controlled by Foreign Police
BoCS deputy Alexandru Nesterovschi sounded the alarm: 40% of Moldova’s territory will be controlled by the foreign police. The statement was made during a sitting of the Parliament, where the PAS government presented a draft law on the ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on the operational activities of the European Border Police and Coast Guard Agency in the Republic of Moldova, informs. “According to your information, the operational actions may take place at a distance of up to 30 km from the border zone, which means that these operational actions will cover almost 40% of the territory of the Republic of Moldova. What does this have to do with Moldova’s neutrality status?” Nesterovschi asked. Note that foreign officers will guard the state border of the Republic of Moldova with the possibility to use service weapons, special means, as well as physical force. These provisions are contained in a draft submitted by Secretary of State Sergiu Diaconu. The document provides for amendments to several laws, including to the Law on Moldova’s State Border; Law on the regime of civil arms and ammunition. The need to adjust the legal framework, which will allow joint actions on the territory of our country between representatives of the European Border Police and Coast Guard Agency FRONTEX and the General Inspectorate of Border Police, is dictated by the Agreement between Moldova and the European Union on operational actions conducted by FRONTEX, signed on 17 March 2022. Point