Parliamentarians ratified two agreements on financing the implementation of the ‘Moldova. Urgency, Sustainability and Competitiveness. Development Policy Action’ Program.
The program provides $159.24 million in financial assistance from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The resources will be used to implement strategies set by the Government to mitigate the negative effects caused by the war in Ukraine, as well as to ensure Moldova’s sustainability and competitiveness.
The policy measures include actions to allowing refugees from Ukraine to enter the territory of Moldova with national ID cards and promoting their employment, employment of children from refugee families in our country, strengthening social protection programs, increasing opportunities for energy generation from renewable sources, increasing the financial sustainability of households, etc.
The agreements with IBRD and IDA for the implementation of the Program were concluded on July 4, 2022. It will be implemented in the form of budget support. Of the total $159.24 million, the grant component is $9.24 million.