The Moldovan government will set up a commission to coordinate actions in case of gas supply restrictions.
This decision is stated in its resolution on preventive and mitigating measures in case of gas supply limitation and preparation for heating season 2022-2023, reports.
The commission will include ministers, heads of state services and agencies, representatives of energy companies and civil society.
The document, approved by the government on Wednesday, also stipulates various actions in case of reduction or termination of Russian gas supplies.
In total, the government is considering three scenarios: reduction of Russian supplies by 35%, 50% and 100%. The government has developed 33 prevention measures and 27 mitigation measures in the event of a reduction or disruption of gas supplies.
These include:
- reducing by 10% the temperature in the heat supply of in district heating systems;
- conversion of Termoelectrica to alternative fuels (fuel oil);
- use of gas reserves in national transportation networks;
- transfer of sugar factories to alternative sources;
- use of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the purchase of gas (about 200 million euros) and others.