Spinu on $73 Price for Electricity: Transdniestrians Asked for $82 per MW

Home / Economy / Spinu on $73 Price for Electricity: Transdniestrians Asked for $82 per MW
Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spinu revealed some details of the behind-the-scenes part of the negotiations with representatives from the MGRES from the Transdniestrian region. The question is about the resumption of electricity supplies to the inhabitants of the right bank of the Dniester. The Minister said that initially the Transdniestrians declared a price of $82 per MW, but after negotiations the level of $73 was reached, reports deschide.md “Compared to the price on the Romanian stock market, this is the best price so far. Frankly speaking, the volume of 5.7 million cubic meters of gas – this amount gives nothing to neither the right bank, nor the left bank, taking into account that the right bank must give a certain amount of gas, otherwise the industry will not be able to function. At most, it will be able to operate at 20% or 30%. Accordingly, this was in the negotiations: we originally wanted a price of $82. But we reached an average price, because that is the objective of the negotiations. We haggled until we reached a price of $73,” said Andrei Spinu in the În Profunzime program on ProTV. The Minister also added that if this agreement had not been reached, the electricity tariff for consumers in the Republic of Moldova could have increased to 8 lei.