Zelensky: NATO Uncertainty over Ukraine: Unprecedented and Absurd

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that at the NATO summit in Vilnius the wordings of the terms of Ukraine invitation to the alliance were discussed without Ukraine. Zelensky made a tweet on that, European True says. According to Zelensky, on his way to Vilnius, the Ukrainian side “received signals that the wordings were being discussed without Ukraine”. “And I want to emphasize: it was a wording just from the invitation, not about Ukraine membership. It is unprecedented and absurd when there is no timeframe for both Ukraine invitation and membership; and when some strange wordings about ‘conditions’ are added even to Ukraine invitation,” he stressed. Zelensky believes that at the moment the allies are not ready either to invite Ukraine to NATO or to make it an alliance member. “It means that Ukraine’s NATO membership might be a bargaining clip in negotiations with Russia. And for Russia, it means a motivation to continue its terror. Uncertainty is a weakness, and I will openly discuss this at the summit,” he added. As reported, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda sees the NATO leaders’ readiness to make a decision that would include a mention of a certain Ukraine ‘invitation’. Gitanas Nauseda emphasized that it was important for Lithuania not to repeat the formula of ‘open doors’, which was considered outdated and failed. “But we will send a very clear signal that we do not repeat the Bucharest summit formula,” he said, recalling, in particular, that the Alliance agreed on Ukraine's rapid accession without the Membership Action Plan.